Sneaky Peeks for the Virtual MoonWalk London

The Walk the Walk Event Team shares the latest MoonWalk London News!

Sneaky Peek… Updated 11/5/22

Kicking off the day...

We will kick off at 6am over on the Event Page with a warm-up with the fabulous Roy Gayle and the Walk the Walk Team... whenever you set off, make sure you warm up with us first.

Start and Finish Line

No matter where you are, every challenger needs a good Start Line and even more importantly a Finish Line!

Here are a few tips on how to create yours…

No:1 Creating your start is always easier if you have something to work from… a gate… a couple of trees… 2 garden umbrellas stuck in the ground… your front door… your garage doors… and if all else fails 2 loyal friends or family positioned in the right place… as long as they return for the Finish!

No:2 The ribbon or tape to walk through is a must… this could be a piece of string… a pink ribbon of course… crochet a rope or even a chain of bras all linked together (the loyal friends may not want to part with their bras… but they might be happy to hold each end of the chain!)

No:3 Decorating your Start creates drama, so use any bunting or flags you may have… Balloons, as long as they are environmentally friendly… but if you want to keep it pink… try making your own bunting or make some streamers and flowers out of crepe paper!

No: 4 Take a photo! By the time you have your decorated bra… T-shirt… cap and raring to go smile… who needs decoration… YOU ARE ALL WE NEED!

No: 5 Don’t forget to share your Start and Finish line photos on our Event page!

Sneaky Peek… Updated 29/4/22

It's Good News Week… The countdown is on, your packs are on the way, here at HQ we are full speed ahead to get all the final information to you, and you, our wonderful MoonWalk trail blazers are stepping out for your last big Training Walk!

Walker Packs!

We were planning on getting them to you in early March… What we were not expecting is all the activity going on in Europe, which has had an enormous impact on our deliveries!

But, this is Good News Week and we are happy to tell you that the Virtual MoonWalk Event Packs are on their way and will be hitting your doorsteps early next week!

Inside your pack, you will find your MoonWalking T-shirt, Cap, All-Weather Poncho, and of course ‘Your Hero’ Bra to decorate… make it as wild, wonderful and beautiful as Your Hero is!


YOU are our trail blazing MoonWalkers!

Information about the day itself, start times, support, tracking your challenge and lots more will all be revealed here on our next Virtual Sneaky Peaks… One thing we can share is that you really are our trail blazers for our big comeback MoonWalk weekend. So we hope you are as excited as we are!

Exciting News from Hazell Dean!

Many of you will know what a special supporter we have in Hazell Dean… Last year, Hazell recorded the most fantastic version of ‘The Way Old Friends Do’ written by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus.

Well… we’re very excited to say, it will now be available to purchase by Download and CD, and Hazell’s very generously donating 50% of any profits to Walk the Walk!

Look out… The digital release of ‘The Way Old Friends Do’ is on Friday 6 May 2022 including two beautiful mixes – ‘Moonwalking Mix’ & ‘Jaynebows Mix’... Find out more below;    

  • Digital and CD pre-order available from 2nd May
  • CD release date Monday 16 May - available in limited quantities while supplies last
  • Plus… Hazell will be signing a limited number of CD sleeves!

Supporting you from afar... 

Oh... the excitement is building… Choosing a Start Time for your Virtual MoonWalk on 14 May means we can give you the best support possible. It might be Virtual, but we want you to know others are out there walking… and you might even see kindred spirits!

We would also love to support you on the day by text and even try call as many of you as possible... make sure you put 01483 741430 in your mobile so you don't miss us! More news on the day to follow soon.

Download and print a Walker Number template

Here's a Walker Number template for you to download and print... just fill in your name and if you wish a message too, ready for the Big Day! Click your chosen distance below.

New Moon                6.55 miles

Half Marathon          13.1 miles

Full Marathon            26.2 miles

Over the Moon Ultra  52.4 miles​​​​​​​

How to track your miles for MoonWalk weekend

Everything you need to know about Strava, using a different tracking device, uploading a picture of your completed miles to your online fundraising page, or using a form for MoonWalk Day can be found here!

Lots of Important Information for the Big Day can be found here.

Don't miss all the fabulous action... 

Make sure you join our Facebook Event Page and see all the action and don't forget to join in and share your pics!

Encourage just one person...

Finally, we want to encourage all would be Walkers out of hibernation… there are huge feel-good benefits to getting out and socialising, walking and helping others.

We would love you to encourage just one person to join you as a Walker or a Volunteer at our LIVE MoonWalk... go on, we know you can do it. Help us spread the word... get your friends, family and even your neighbours to join in the fun!

That's it for now, keep your eyes peeled for more Sneaky Peeks and news in our next email, and we’ll be back in touch again very soon. If you have any questions or just want to chat, drop us an email or call on 01483 741430.

We would love to hear from you… Happy Walking!

The MoonWalk Event Team



Bra picture

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