Plan to measure your distance at The MoonWalk London?

GPS and app users... ahead of the challenge we just want to say that inaccuracies over these distances are really common.

Now, we just want to make sure that you have read your Final Information Guide for The MoonWalk London 2016 and have checked out the route and noticed all the fantastic landmarks you will be passing! Just in case you didn’t know and to remind those that do... all you Full Mooner’s have signed up for 26.2 miles and Half Mooners, 13.1 plus 2 glorious miles. These distances have been measured accurately using the latest mechanical odometer.

So... a note to all you GPS and app users... ahead of the challenge we just want to say that inaccuracies over these distances are really common. We have seen many variances, for example, lots of ‘zig-zagging’ paths, and some showing people walking on water through the Thames... I promise you the route does not ask you to walk on water!! Trust us, unless we have to make any last minute route changes, this distance is accurate... you heard it here first!

Don't forget:

> Make a donation to a walker

> Entries for The MoonWalk London 2017 open 19th May 2016

Register your interest and we will be in touch




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