October Fundraising Ideas

As the weather cools down and the nights begin to draw in, there is no better time to start planning your breast cancer charity fundraising!

So, get the team round for a cup of hot chocolate or a glass of fizz, and watch those ideas take shape. Here are a few to get you going!

Strictly Come Dancing!

With Strictly back on the telly, now’s the time to set up a Sweepstake before the dancer’s have improved too much! Charge a tenner per entry with the winner getting £50, while your fundraising gets £100!

Fine Dining!

As we head into November, many restaurants become very quiet. This is the time to collaborate with your favourite restaurant AND raise money! Have a chat with the Manager and find out whether they would be up for working with you. The idea is simple: you choose a night when the restaurant is quiet, select a menu, set a price and invite your friends and family to come along for a meal out! The cost of the meal includes a ‘cut’ for your fundraising. You can add value by adding in a free glass of bubbles (ask local supermarkets for donations) and, if you have any talented friends, some free entertainment if they can do a ‘spot.’ Of course, no event like this would be complete without a raffle! Get a letter of confirmation from [email protected] so you can approach local businesses for prizes.

One for crafty people!

If you’re one of those lucky people who can turn a sheet of paper into a sailing boat, or, you’re handy with the needles, or you can do amazing things with your hands, this one’s for you!

Decide what you would like to make – here are a few ideas to get you going…

  • Halloween bags or baskets
  • Christmas/birthday cards
  • Christmas decorations/tree decorations/gift tags
  • Christmas hampers
  • Knitted hats, gloves and scarves
  • Candles
  • Soap
  • Jewellery

But I’m sure you can do better! Items can be sold at School and Christmas Fayres, Table Top sales, Facebook Marketplace, local websites, or, invite a few friends round for a Crafty Party and sell your creations for a donation to your fundraising!

Postcard Request

Here’s a great idea from Elizabeth Gibson! We all know people who used to be great friends, but they’ve (or you) have moved away. You send them a Christmas Card every year but you don’t have their email address – sound familiar? Well, Elizabeth created a postcard of a photo of her in her bra, included a QR code linked to her fundraising page on the back, told them what she was doing and asked for their support, and guess what? She got it! You could do the same…


Let them eat cake...

Now that Bake Off is back on the telly, there is an increased interest in baking cakes! So, why not hold your own Bake Off at work, school or club, or just amongst friends? Or, invite a few friends to pop round to yours to sample some by hosting an afternoon tea or coffee morning? Make the most of the opportunity by having a raffle too, and perhaps a few games like Guess the Name of the Teddy or finding the Hidden Treasure on a map. Anything to relieve your guests of their cash!


Host a Halloween Spooktacular Party! Who doesn’t love this time of year? Have a best costume competition, apple bobbing, jack o’lanterns, pumpkin pie and decorate the house with spiders, ghosts and skeletons! Make a warm punch with a few eyeballs bobbing in it and charge an entry fee. Your fundraising will soon be ‘Out of this world!’

If you have a fundraising event or activity planned, take a look at our extra bits and pieces to help you... if we can help in any way, please do get in touch.

Raise money, Raise awareness, Get fit and Have the best fun Walking the Walk!

We have lots of ways you can support us this breast cancer awareness month... take a look here!



Bra picture

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