The MoonWalk - Poem

A poem from our archives to share this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Claire sent in this fabulous poem she and her children created and we thought you all would love to read it too!

The MoonWalk

Two little ducks went walking one day,
Over the fields and far away,
One little duck said 'I've got cancer what will I do?'
The other hugged her and said 'I will be there for you'

One little duck was walking one day,
All alone with nothing to say,
She thought of her friend that was true,
And wondered what she could do.
She joined a crowd of ducks 15 thousand or more,
And together they did the Marathon Moonwalk.

Through the roads of their city they took,
With their decorated bras showing to boot!
Together they raised money to support,
All the people with cancer they knew, and those they did not.

Time moved on ...

Two little ducks went walking one day,
Over the hill and far away,
One was 'A survivor of cancer' she declared,
The other said 'I told you I would be there'.

Poem by Claire and kids

Thank you for sharing Claire!

If you feel inspired to unite with us against breast cancer... check out our challenges here and if you would like to share your story with us, please email us and we will be in touch. 


Bra picture

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