Thank you to our amazing Volunteers all over the UK

It's #VolunteersWeek which makes it the perfect time to say THANK YOU for uniting with us against breast cancer... you are awesome!

We wanted to celebrate Volunteers' Week by sharing how every year at The MoonWalks Scotland and London, thousands of you unite to show your support and help us make a difference.

All of the Walk the Walk Team are constantly overwhelmed by your dedication and that you donate a night’s sleep to help the fight against breast cancer by making our wonderful MoonWalkers feel special!

Maybe an overused cliché... but in this case it is true... "The Moonwalks simply wouldn’t happen without you!"

Ian Mycko from Edinburgh, has volunteered as a Driver at every single MoonWalk Scotland, since it started in 2006 and sums up why he Volunteers.

“I have been a Driver at all The MoonWalks - I used to be a Taxi driver, so I have good knowledge of Edinburgh. Volunteering gives me a huge feeling of satisfaction, and if my involvement helps even just one person, then that is terrific.

The atmosphere at The MoonWalk is amazing, with lots of people coming together to help others. It can be heart wrenching when you read some of the messages on peoples clothing about why they are taking part, for example, if they are walking in memory of loved ones.

On the nights when I’ve come off my driving duties temporarily, I have helped people with all kinds of things - I have laughed and cried with them.
I have quite a few memories from previous MoonWalks! One year, a man with a violin travelled from Orkney to meet his son who was taking part, unfortunately he missed him on the route. He joined in with the volunteers, playing his violin and encouraging the walkers who were still taking part. I was coming and going on my driving duties, and came back about five hours later, and he was still playing!

The memory that really sticks in my mind is of a teenage girl, who had lost a family member to breast cancer. She took a nasty fall, and the medics who patched her up advised her not to continue. The look on her face said "no way" - she was determined to do it and nothing was going to stop her. I caught up with her near the Finish Line – she had done it! I gave her a huge hug (one of my tearful moments) - it still makes me emotional thinking about it now.”

Ian Mycko

Sending Walk the Walk virtual hugs and we can't wait until we meet again!

Thank you, thank you, thank you... you are all amazing... if you want to be part of this incredible Volunteer Team, Register your Interest and we will be in touch once we have new dates.

Join us on the last leg of our fun, free virtual #wtwroadtrip and help us get even more people to Iceland! 


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