Lucy walks The Virgin London Marathon

All I could hear was my name being called and loads of encouragement as I passed runner after runner. Apparently a little way behind me the crowds were yelling “Go on Tracey – Lucy just a little way in front of you!”. Thousands of people watching me and shouting my name and clapping as I rounded the corners in front of Buckingham Palace with just me in the middle of the vast road.

I entered the Virgin London Marathon for Walk the Walk as a once in a life time experience.  It certainly did not disappoint! It was just amazing!!!!!    I was really nervous before hand because I was not doing it ‘properly’!  I need not have worried.  By mile 1 there were ‘runners’ who were walking!

The start was just fantastic.  There was a group of 4 of us in our spangly bras (3 made by Debs of Budgie’s Bras!) as we stood waiting to go in glorious sunshine!  It took 14 minutes to walk to the actual start and then we were off.  Tracey Greeman and I had buddied up on Facebook over the past months but had never met until yesterday but we strode off together at a good fast speed.  We were not anticipating the reaction we would then get from the public and from the runners.  From behind us we kept hearing “go girls!  Wow! Tracey and Lucy!” (our names were on our fronts and backs!).   We even had runners pass us, run ahead a little and then turn to take our photograph!!!  The crowds cheered us on and made us feel so special – I almost felt guilty that the runners were being ignored! I have never received so much attention in my life but the public and the runners alike just loved the bras!

There are so many memories but a big one was getting to the half way point and crossing Tower Bridge.  You would think that Tracey and I were the only competitors on it!  All you could hear was ‘Luuuuuuucy! Traaaaaaaacey!  Go girls!  We did seem to get a ridiculous amount of attention the whole way round but not unfortunately for our sporting prowess but due to the bras!   Some people recognised us as ‘bra girls’ or from Walk the Walk but if not then they did get that it was all about breast cancer.  Women loved it – there was a definite feel of female solidarity and admiration for our bravery. Men loved it but that was definitely about something else….   Even the children loved it and one girl (aged about 10) asked if she could have a bra like mine one day!

Miles 13-23 were hard!  Despite the crowds we hit that mid-marathon low, I was hungry  and wanted something ‘normal’ to line my stomach rather than power drinks and gels or any of the 1000’s of jelly babies we were being offered by the crowd!  The blisters kicked in at half way in a bigger way than they ever have before!  Both Tracey and I were suffering but all you can do is use mind over matter and ignore the pain!

The finish however was  truly amazing.  I re-found my strong legs for the last few miles and Tracey and I agreed to split up and regroup at the finish.  I suddenly felt mentally and physically strong and my true power walk returned.  The crowds loved it as mainly I was surrounded by knackered runners who were slowly hobbling towards the finish but I was now in serious ‘race mode’. All I could hear was my name being called and loads of encouragement as I passed runner after runner.  Apparently a little way behind me the crowds were yelling “Go on Tracey –  Lucy just a little way in front of you!”.   Thousands of people watching me and shouting my name and clapping as I rounded the corners in front of Buckingham Palace with just me in the middle of the vast road.  Me!  Weird!  A very surreal moment…..   I passed the two men carrying Aga Cookers (!!!) and told them they were mad.  Their response was “we’re all mad!”.

It was an amazing day and I am sure when the aches and pains have subsided and the blisters healed that the memories will flood back even more strongly! A big thank you to the Walk the Walk team for supporting us, some of my friends from last year’s 3Land Challengeand of course my husband Nick and walking buddy Jackie who were racing around on Boris Bikes trying to be there as much as  possible for me!  I also would have struggled without my new buddy Tracey – thanks for helping me get around!

If you are considering taking on the Virgin London Marathon then absolutely go for it. I would never have believed that in the year I turned 50 (or in fact in any year) that  I could say ‘I did the London Marathon!’

I can’t think about re-starting training for the London 2 Brighton – at this moment that seems way down my list of priorities!


Editors note:

Thank you to Lucy for such a great write up and a HUGE well done to all those that took part for us. If you wish to take part in 2016, then register your interest now. However be aware that we have to ask you to raise £1000’s++ in sponsorship money. This is to cover the costs that VLM place on us.


Bra picture

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