June Fundraising Ideas 2024

Use those long summer evenings to get your fundraising really flourishing!

Are you enjoying the slightly cooler summer temperatures as you train for your big overseas adventure or the MoonWalk Scotland! Whatever the weather, don't forget to use those long evenings to get your fundraising flourishing!

Set up and Update your fundraising page

If you’re taking part in the Moonwalk Scotland or one of our overseas challenges set up and create your fundraising page with a photo of yourself (so people know it’s you!) and the reason why you are taking part in this epic challenge! You can set yourself challenges too as you progress through your training.

If you are running an event, consider downloading the CharityGo app at the bottom of the page as it will turn your smart phone into a card reader, meaning that people will be able to just tap your phone to buy cakes, raffle tickets or to simply make a donation.

Update your page and social media as you take on your training and share your page as often as you can! 

Home-made Jam

With strawberry season in full swing, go and ‘pick-your-own’ and make a batch of sweet and tasty home-made strawberry jam (always a favourite for scones and cream!). Check out what other soft fruits you can pick yourself and make tangy raspberry or dreamy apricot. Or you could push the boat out even further and make medlar or kiwi fruit jam. Advertise for sale on your social media page or Facebook marketplace, or take a table at the local fete. You could charge £2 to £3 per jar – it’s such a treat to have home-made jam!

Father’s Day

If you’re crafty why not make goodies to sell to your friends for a donation. From personalised Father’s Day cards to boxes of sweets or choccies, decorated biscuits, world’s best Dad pin badges, painted pottery mugs, decorated photo frames or beer glasses. Who could say no to that? Not us!

Summer means the return of Wimbledon!

Wimbledon is one of the world’s most prestigious tennis events and is always a reminder that our glorious British Summertime is here!

Last year 300,000 cups of tea and coffee were served, 250,000 bottles of water, 190,000 sandwiches and a staggering 23 tonnes of scrummy strawberries!

Be inspired by this to host your very own Wimbledon-style party by showing the big games on TV and serving refreshments to your friends and family. This could, of course, include Pimms, strawberries and cream or use your imagination to create your very own delicious Wimbledon winner!

Run a sweepstake of the big matches, have a small raffle, or play your own knock out tournament! All for donations of course! You can also celebrate Wimbledon at work by serving your colleagues strawberries and cream and charging a donation!

Gardening Jobs

With summer holidays about to get going, now is the time to offer your services to your neighbours! No-one wants their precious plants dying through lack of water or wants to come home to an overgrown rain forest instead of a lawn! So if gardening is your thing, you can soon bump up your fundraising by watering, mowing and weeding your neighbours’ gardens. Just don’t pull up the prize petunias!

You can’t beat a raffle!

It's reliable, it’s a bit of fun, and it’s much easier to sell a raffle ticket than to ask for a sponsorship, so get your fundraising going with this old classic.

Our first tip is not to have too many prizes. Bundle together the ones you have so that each prize is worth winning! Got some choccies, biscuits, sparkling wine and some tea bags? Put them together to make a little summery hamper! Group your smellies together; bubble bath, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner can all go together in a basket finished off with a pretty sponge or facecloth.

Then sell tickets at work, at a club you belong to, church, or even by Facebook! Don’t forget to download the CharityGo app first though so people can just tap and go!

We have lots and lots of fundraising ideas which are updated monthly, fundraising posters and much more available! If we can help in any way, please do get in touch

Raise Money, Raise Awareness, Get Fit and Have Fun Walking the Walk!



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