Inspirational message that made us smile

We just loved the inspirational message below (from Jackie in our Walkers Hub). So, it got us thinking!

We would love to include some of the funny things you may have seen, an act of kindness (from yourself or from someone else!), an inspiring quote, or something you have found that has helped you, in our regular newsletter during these difficult times.

Email your message and keep your eyes peeled… yours may be showcased next!

“I, like many of you are so disappointed that the moonwalks for 2020 are not running as plan. I belong to Team Blink, raising awareness of male and female breast cancer. As a team we were taking part in multiple challenges. Some of us were doing London, some Edinbra,, some London & Edinbra and I was the crazy one doing The 3 Land Challenge.

My training was spot on and my fundraising was beginning to take off. Unfortunately it has all ground to a halt. Well I was thinking about WTW team and the charity and how it will suffer for 2020 - and here is my plan to help (if only a little).

Everytime I go out I always end up buying coffee and cake. Part of the moonwalk diet 😂😂 Well as everywhere is closed I can not spend my money. I plan to put all those pennies in a tin and send them to WTW , when all this is over.

Thank you WTW team you are amazing. We will all be together as a family soon - bigger and better"

- Jacqui

Keep healthy, keep social distancing, stay safe, practice kindness and stay strong!



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