February Fundraising Blog 2024

January behind us can only mean one thing... Spring is on the way! Use upcoming events like Lent and Valentines Day to inspire your fundraising this month!

January is finally behind us and Spring flowers are beginning to poke their heads out - warmer days are on the way! February has some fantastic days to help get your fundraising underway, take a read below for some inspo!

Make the most of your fundraising page

Once your fundraising page has been created, put it to work! First, make sure you have a photo of yourself uploaded so your friends know it’s you, add an inspiring tag line and say why you are taking part in the challenge – this can increase fundraising by up to 70%! Set yourself some challenges and then share your page every week or so asking people to sponsor you! Use your social media to tell your circle about your fundraising and what you have been doing whether it's training in the gym, buying new trainers or decorating your bra, and don’t forget to take photos! No need to keep asking for money, your page will do it all for you!

Share your fundraising page through social media or email the link to friends and family... If you need any help getting started send an email over to us on [email protected] - Our team would be happy to help!

The secret of fundraising success is to SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!

Give It Up for Lent 14th February to 30th March

Lent is just around the corner and traditionally, it’s a time for reflection or perhaps making a fresh start in certain areas of your life!

The modern trend is to spend 40 days giving up a luxury, breaking a habit or even going without television or social media. This Lent why don’t you challenge yourself to give something up? Say, chocolate or alcohol? Just think of the health benefits! You could even get your friends and family to sponsor your efforts - all for a donation to Walk the Walk of course!

You could also try something different for Lent this year. Instead of giving something up, you could offer your services for a fundraising donation! Help a friend or neighbour with some DIY, walking the dog, cleaning or gardening... you might be surprised with how much money you raise!

Raise funds with a Valentine’s Day Hamper!

Get creative this Valentine’s Day! Put together a pretty hamper with a Valentine’s theme! All you need is a bottle of something nice, some delicious treats and even some flowers, all tied up with a bow! 

If you're feeling inspired and want to be even MORE creative with your hamper, you could make something bespoke like decorating a recycled cardboard box left over from Christmas to fill up with your Valentines’ goodies? The more unique the better, and it could be great to raffle off to someone at the office, school, or sports club!

Organise a pancake party!

One of the most delicious days of the year is coming up! Pancake Day is a FAB way to entertain your friends with a fundraising pancake party complete with cocktails or fizz!

If you’re not brave enough to flip your own, you can always buy some from the shops and then put out a mix of sweet and savoury toppings for your guests to indulge in! All for a donation to your fundraising of course!

Mother’s Day Fundraising Ideas

Mother's Day this year falls on 10th March so now is the perfect time to get ahead with your fundraising plans! Why not get crafty and creative for Mother’s Day by making gifts to sell? You could sell your gifts to friends, family or colleagues, at craft fairs, fetes or online and then donate your proceeds to Walk the Walk!

For ideas and inspo look in craft books, or watch some YouTube tutorials online. Create homemade fudge, cakes and brownies or how about knitting or crocheting some hats or scarfs? 

To sell your handicrafts, check out websites like Shopify or Etsy... Happy crafting!

Encourage you friends and family to shop through Easyfundraising!

Pssssst! Did you know that whenever you shop online you could also be raising money for Walk the Walk at the same time!?

Sign up with Easyfundraising and their handy donation reminder will tell you when a retailer is signed up too. You can then raise funds for Walk the Walk that cost you nothing extra! There are over 7,000 retailers signed up, including M&S, Tesco, Waitrose, John Lewis, Etsy, Just Eat and many others. Let your friends and family know about this nifty site and think how much you money you could help us raise!

Click this link to get started: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/.../walkthewalkworldwide/

If you have a fundraising event or activity planned in 2024, take a look at our list of little extras to help you make the event a success.

We have lots and lots of fundraising ideas which are updated monthly, fundraising posters and much more available... our Fundraising Team will be on hand during the course of your challenge adventure to help you at any time! Or if we can help in any way, please do get in touch

Raise Money, Raise Awareness, Get Fit and Have Fun Walking the Walk!



Bra picture

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