Capturing the emotion at The MoonWalk Scotland 2024 Finish Line

Here are some of the beautiful moments we captured from this year's Finish Line at The MoonWalk Scotland.

Such an incredible sight for us as we see so many of you beginning to cross the Finish Line here at Holyrood! It's always such a beautiful and heartfelt moment, we're overcome with pride and emotion for you all!

To those of you who are still Walking the Walk, we're ready and waiting for your return with your shiny well-deserved medal and that all important hug - YOU CAN DO THIS, WE BELIEVE IN YOU!

Have a scroll below to see some of your AMAZING Finish Line moments along with the beautiful messages we've received from you across our social media channels!

"The volunteers were amazing! Well done to you all. You will never know how much that small bit of encouragement means and how much it pushes you forward, thank you, legends!"- Angela

"Thank you for a great night!!!! Was great catching up with walkers and staff"- Mags

"Such a fantastic event, very proud to have been part of it!"- Rosie

A HUGE congrats also to all of our fabulous MoonWalk Scotland Virtual Trailblazers who kicked off our MoonWalk weekend early Saturday morning and handed over the baton to our LIVE Walkers... You are all superstars!

TOGETHER we have Raised Money, Raised Awareness, Got Fit and HAD FUN!

But don't forget you can still...

Make a donation to a Walker!

Thank you to each and every single one of you - Whether you've Volunteered or taken part as a Walker, LIVE or Virtual... You are truly incredible! What you've achieved this weekend is something truly extraordinary, and you should be so proud. 


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