Cancer researcher Sally looks forward to her 19th MoonWalk London!

Now more than ever, we all need to keep Walking the Walk.

“I’m someone who likes to have a target in mind and back in 2004 I gave myself the target of completing 20 MoonWalks. 2023 will be my 19th MoonWalk, so close to my 20 walk challenge. However, I suspect that The MoonWalk will be a very hard habit to break and as my son said to me recently, ‘Why would you stop, Mum, if you can still do it’? You know what, he’s probably right!

I’ve spent my entire working life in cancer research. I’m currently the Laboratory Manager for the Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins Research Centre, at The Institute of Cancer Research in London. In a couple of years’ time, I plan to retire after four decades’ service. The highlight of my research career was being part of the team which discovered the altered BRCA2 gene in 1995.

Breast Cancer Now has received more than £34 million in grants from MoonWalk organisers breast cancer charity Walk the Walk. Taking part in The MoonWalk every year is my way of giving something back. 

I have many other reasons for continuing to sign up for The MoonWalk.  I know from personal experience that walking is really good for me, both mentally and physically. I often walk in the morning before work because physically it gets me going and mentally it gives me so much headspace. Having the night of The MoonWalk as a goal gives also gives me a great push to leave the house for a training walk.

Another reason I keep coming back is because The MoonWalk is so much fun and it’s a wonderful way to meet people who are all uniting together in the same cause. I get such a buzz when I arrive at MoonWalk City. Being a night-time event, I love seeing all the bright lights and it’s fantastic seeing everyone look so gorgeous in their decorated bras too. It really gets the adrenaline going.

My top tips for the night of The MoonWalk...

Make sure that your feet are in a good state. I always cover mine in vaseline! Do your training in the clothes and shoes you’re going to wear on the night. Don’t overeat before your walk and give yourself food treats every few miles. A new favourite of mine around the 15 mile section, is some chunks of cheese and segments of orange, a recent revelation which works well as a boost, after having more sweet items earlier on.

And above all, focus on finishing, not the pain of doing it. Embrace the challenge and enjoy it. Now more than ever, we all need to keep Walking the Walk. If you can have fun, improve your health and raise money for a fantastic cause at the same time, this is the way to do it”.

Thank you for sharing your story Sally and for all your incredible work in breast cancer research. We look forward to seeing you at The MoonWalk London 2023!


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