Walk the Walk Blog

All the very latest news straight from Walk the Walk

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Although breast cancer runs in my family, my own diagnosis still came as a shock.

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The Paris Marathon Team 2016

They DID it! Congratulations Paris Marathon Team 2016! Enjoy your celebrations!

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My Road to Paris Part 3 – January to March 2016

The training paid off! 16 miles a few weekends later went so much better and I feel I am on track for the challenge

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My road to Paris…

But a challenge is a challenge and yes I became excited at the thought of achieving it and proving that a long distance walker can become a speed walker too!

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The Paris Marathon 2013

The Paris marathon is an emotional event; it is an emotional city. And to be part of WTW is emotional. And the emotions are those of happiness, fear, hope, despair, pain, respect, elation and the love of life, amongst others.

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