Walk the Walk Blog

All the very latest news straight from Walk the Walk

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Although breast cancer runs in my family, my own diagnosis still came as a shock.

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Mike fulfils his dream of completing the Nijmegen Marches

I loved the fact that we would be starting and finishing every day as a team

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Getting in touch with your local media – share your Nijmegen Marches story!

Featuring your story in your local press will raise awareness and hopefully encourage others to sign up for The Nijmegen Marches 2023

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Pat's final stretch of her Walk1000 miles challenge in 2019

This charity has given me more than I could ever hope for – a great support team at all events, but I have some amazing friends that I have met through the charity who keep me going.

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Lesley follows in her fathers footsteps at Nijmegen Marches

Having done The MoonWalk London 3 times I decided to do something a little different... when I told my plans to my dad I couldn't even pronounce Nijmegen

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Jane hits her Country Walking #Walk1000 miles challenge target

As charity partner for Country Walking Magazine's #walk1000miles in 2019, we catch up with Jane, who reached her target and completed Nijmegen Marches!

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Pat reaches halfway on her Walk 1000 miles Challenge

June saw a mileage of over 100 miles – I was still on target to get to 1,000. I can, however, see myself walking on New Year’s Eve to get the final miles.

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My Nijmegen 2018

After 35km of even more party and carnival atmosphere, we are closing in on the finishing line! We are greeted by an amazing sight of grandstands filled with people bystanders lining the route for the last 5k.

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Andy's 2018 Nijmegen Marches Adventure...

Walker Andy shares experience of Nijmegen Marches, following numerous charity marathons with breast cancer charity, Walk the Walk.

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Polla's Nijmegen Marches story

After a few emotional words, big hugs and laughter, we pin the ever so precious Nijmegen cross just above everyone’s hearts, before proceeding to the Finish area together, arm in arm. We all feel proud, very proud.

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Nijmegen Marches 2015

The emotions then became overwhelming for me in that last mile, the people cheering and clapping, waving banners, bands playing made me feel very humbled.

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