Walk the Walk Blog

All the very latest news straight from Walk the Walk

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Although breast cancer runs in my family, my own diagnosis still came as a shock.

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Pat's final stretch of her Walk1000 miles challenge in 2019

This charity has given me more than I could ever hope for – a great support team at all events, but I have some amazing friends that I have met through the charity who keep me going.

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Nene Walks the Walk at the Great North Run for breast cancer

Thank you Walk the Walk for organising this event, looking after us and always making us feel so special.

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Team dots in their decorated bras

Team Dots take on The Great North Run

What a scene, it was incredible, and the buzz was amazing – meeting all the other Walk the Walkers was just great...

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Joan Takes On The Great North Run and 70 at 70!

What a fantastic day, The Red Arrows in the sky, continuous support from the spectators, high fives from the children, refreshments and cooling showers from sponsors and supporters alike.

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Great North Run 2015

We were all tired but thrilled to have done it. I couldn’t quite believe I had managed it but there I was with a medal around my neck.

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Great North Run – Nicci’s 2014 Experience

I’d been told by several friends who had entered previous years that the atmosphere would be amazing but you have to experience it first hand to appreciate it fully, and seeing it on TV does it no justice.

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Kate’s Great North Run Experience

Would I do the Great North Run again? …….. Try and stop me

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