Walk the Walk Blog

All the very latest news straight from Walk the Walk

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Kate takes part in The MoonWalk Scotland just months after breast cancer treatment

Although breast cancer runs in my family, my own diagnosis still came as a shock.

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Emma experiences the Disneyland Paris Challenge with Walk the Walk

My final tip – sign up and do it – I am so glad that I did and in fact I registered my interest for next year as I lay in bed on the Monday morning.

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Sam and Becca with Goofy at Disneyland Paris

Sisters Act Magical Disney Challenge

Sisters, Becca & Sam share their experience of breast cancer charity Walk the Walk and raising breast cancer awareness on the Disneyland Paris Challenge

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The Gallabel Girl's Disney Fundraising Extravaganza!

''We wanted to raise more for breast cancer so we came up with the idea of a Disney themed quiz and karaoke evening. On the day we set the event up it sold out – we had more people that wanted to come along than the venue would fit.''

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Gynette's Magical Disneyland Paris Challenge

It was the single most fantastic experience of my life so far. I achieved things I never thought possible...

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