Perhaps it’s because walking out in our bras is not really what one ought to be doing… well here are a few more very good reasons…

The Walk the Walk unique trademark

For every Walk the Walk challenge that you join, we will send you an optional bra to decorate. So whether you are taking part in The MoonWalk London or The Inca Trail Peru, or whether you’re 13 or 85, you will know you are in the like-minded company of women and men who are prepared to take on a walking challenge in a bra!

It takes courage!

Many of the ladies that Walk the Walk would not think about wearing a bikini on the beach let alone a bra in the street, not to mention those that have prosthesis or reconstruction. However, it’s all part of the challenge and with some creative decorating ideas, I have seen even the most reticent ladies rise to the occasion. After all, we have all had the feeling of arriving at a fancy dress party when we couldn’t be bothered to dress up… not fun! If you are having doubts, I suggest you concentrate on your walking and in your final pack, you will receive lots of ideas on decorating your bra and how to cleverly conceal the bits you would rather not show… all is possible and who knows, you may just surprise yourself!

Raising awareness

If you have ever seen a group of 20 women and men, let alone thousands pounding down the street in their bras, you will know the true meaning of raising awareness!

Oh and by the way boys!

Don’t think that you get away with a T-shirt. Boys at Walk the Walk also wear bras, and very handsomely I might add. You have the added bonus of being able to use the cups as pockets for all essentials, so there is no excuse!

Check your chests!

Thanks to growing awareness, many women are now checking their breasts, seeking treatment sooner, and more are surviving breast cancer. Men get breast cancer too, but we know that many women and particularly men are still not making regular checks, so read on and start today!


Above all, no matter what your age, male or female, it’s about Raising money, Raising awareness, Getting fit and Having FUN!

You will look amazing!

Decorating your bra

You have done the training, you’re feeling fit…now it’s time to decorate your bra.

We don’t mean wearing your bra over your T-shirt (not a good look and very uncomfortable), we mean wearing your bra in all its splendid glory… and that goes for the men too!

For some, creating a masterpiece is easy, but for others, a little more help is required. Follow our guide and tips on how to make a wonderful creation that’s comfortable to wear and cunningly disguises any bits that you may prefer to keep to yourself. The important thing is to be there with all your fellow walkers raising awareness in true Walk the Walk style and having FUN!

Within minutes of arriving at The MoonWalk, you will feel the spirit, energy and company of thousands of like-minded walkers at this carnival of colours, feathers, fringing and fabulousness… come prepared, and if you feel a little self-conscious, then you always have your T-shirts.

Pick your theme

Whatever you decide to make, the following items are likely to help. Part of a team? Share the cost!

Essential equipment

  • Fabric dye – dye your bra a fabulous colour which makes a great base to start from. Remember to check the instructions and your fabric type.
  • A small glue gun – perfect for gluing a multitude of things onto your bra, available from any DIY or craft shop.
  • Needle and thread – for those bits like fringing etc.
  • All the bits and pieces for you to create – from rhinestones to feathers, sparkling lights and bows, anything goes!

Hot tips for all!

  • Always wash your bra before decorating it.
  • NEVER decorate under the arms on the elastic to avoid chaffing when walking. Keep this area completely free of anything!
  • If you decorate the back be sure to stretch the elastic as you sew or stick or your bra won’t fit!
  • Adjust your straps to the right size and fit before sewing anything onto them.
  • If you stitch onto the cups try not to stitch through to the inside of the cup as it can become uncomfortable.
  • Try to do at least one training walk in your bra, or at least wear it around the house for a while… always fun… to make sure it works for you!

What about your tum?

The one bit that so many people are self-conscious about… but never fear… Try using fringing all the way around the bottom of the bra, it comes in all different lengths so it can be as long as you like, or create a little skirt to your bra – it looks great and does the job! But beware… whenever attaching anything to the bottom band of your bra, stretch as you sew or stick to allow for the stretch when you actually put your bra on!

Everyone has some body part that they feel a bit self-conscious about, so hold the thought that we are all quite unique and different, there is no one quite like you!

If you are a little conscious of showing your assets, then don’t let it put you off there are endless ways to make it work for you…

Larger breasts?

Try using interesting fabrics that you can drape and swathe without adding volume. You can find gorgeous soft materials that will sparkle and shimmer all the way through the night.

Smaller breasts and would like to add some volume?

Cover your bra in flowers, pom poms, frills or anything voluminous, it can create the illusion of added inches!

Those upper arms

If your upper arms are not quite as toned as you would like… why not try attaching mock sleeves in chiffon, like butterfly wings, finish them at the wrist and they will keep the wind off as well, attach fringing from the straps that will gently fall over your shoulders to the elbow, wear a shrug or why not try a dramatic cape!

On the night

If it’s cold or wet we will supply everybody with a clear weather protector, not a sophisticated piece of equipment but it certainly does the job. Worn over your bra it will keep you warm and dry whatever the weather, and still display your handiwork… don’t wait until you are cold… just wear it! Don’t forget a bit of Vaseline under the straps and along the bra line can help keep you comfortable whatever the night brings.

If you are not too keen to show your tum or your arms… it doesn’t matter if you decorate it up to your chin and down to your knees… or wear your bra T-shirt… you’re there to be counted!