Put a walk in your diary!
Having a routine, no matter how small, makes it easier to turn going for a walk into a habit. Pick a time of day which suits you best and add it into your diary as an appointment.
Plan several walking routes for different distances and times
Whether you have time for a quick ten- minute walk or a longer session, having different routes planned means you will always know where you are going, how far and for how long
Have suitable comfortable clothing and shoes for any weather
Never let the weather stop you walking. The weather doesn’t change the impact a walk can have – some of the worst weather days can deliver the best walks!
Invest in a tracking device or app
A device or app which can track your walking steps and distance each day can be really motivating, tracking how far you go each day and helping you watch your progress.
Every step counts!
Whether you walk one mile, or the distance from your desk to the kettle to make a tea – engage your core, allow your shoulders to relax and think about your posture!
Training Plans
These Training Plans have been created by our founder Nina who has had years of experience and success in helping more than 500,000 walkers train for our challenges and cross the Finish Line, Distances from 5K to 10 miles on our Camino 100, and everything in between. From the many comments we receive, we would say that they are exactly what you need to help you attain the level of fitness you need to reach your chosen goal.