Jeanette’s Story:
“I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer last year, but will still be taking on the Full Moon challenge (26.2 miles) at this year’s MoonWalk London. It’ll be my 19th MoonWalk – it’s a huge part of my year and I can’t wait!
I was first diagnosed with breast cancer more than 30 years ago, when I was only 34, and then again at the end of 2020. There was no history of breast cancer in my family, so it was a bit of a shock both times. After my second diagnosis, I had a mastectomy and a reconstruction.
Just two weeks before last year’s MoonWalk London, I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, in my bones, liver and lymph nodes. I called it my “health hiccup” at the time. My doctor advised me to step down from the Full Moon to the Half Moon (15.1 miles) as a result. I was gutted – I wanted to do the 26.2 miles so badly, but I had to do what I was told. Well sort of!
When I got to the finish line after completing our half marathon, I said to my daughter and sister, “can we go again?” After doing all the training for the Full Moon I just wasn’t ready to stop! To be fair, I got to walk through some different parts of London which I don’t normally get to see, so it was all good. The atmosphere was electric and everyone was buzzing. It’s amazing how many people are out at that time in the morning clapping and whooping you along.
Not long after last year’s MoonWalk, I started my treatment for secondary breast cancer.
It was horrible to start with, but my body has now got used to the drugs I’m taking and I’m feeling very well. For now, I’m taking a targeted hormone therapy and also have an injection for my bones.
My treatment basically keeps my cancer (which I call Kevin!) under control. It isn’t a cure. If my current treatment regime stops working, we will look at other options, but for now, everything seems to be fine. Kevin is under the thumb! Sometimes I feel a little bit of a fraud, because I don’t feel unwell as such. I’m not “living with cancer”, it’s more a case of letting cancer live with me and not letting Kevin dictate my life. My body, my rules.
Which brings me back to The MoonWalk London in May – my 19th! I’ve signed up for the full marathon again this year and I’m so excited. I love the atmosphere, I love what the event is about, I love walking through London overnight and above all, the event is so much fun. I really enjoy decorating my bra every year, coming up with ever more outrageous costumes! There are always so many ideas in my head.
Ever since I started taking part in The MoonWalk, it’s been very personal for me – I’ve obviously had breast cancer myself, but I also lost both my mother-in-law and a few friends to this horrible disease. They never had the chance to walk, so I walk for them.
The money we raise every year makes such a big difference…
As it gets granted by MoonWalk organisers Walk the Walk to such a huge variety of amazing projects. To anyone thinking of signing up this year, I would say, jump out of your comfort zone and do something AMAZING that will make a difference. Just go for it!”