
Welcome to Walk the Walk's Media page, where you can find all the latest Press Releases and news about the charity.

We have a variety of inspiring case studies, including a number of men who have had breast cancer and are passionate about raising awareness.

Nina Barough CBE Walk the Walk's Founder and Chief Executive, who had breast cancer herself, is a Power Walking expert, author of 'Walking for Fitness’ and she is delighted to give interviews.


For all media enquiries, please contact Lisa or Jen on 01483 741430 or email [email protected].


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PRESS RELEASE: What a night for Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

04th October 2017

Local dignitaries, including The Mayor and Mayoress of Woking, Councillor Graham Cundy and Mrs Sarah Cundy, as well as Jonathan Lord, MP for Woking, were amongst the guests showing their support for Woking-based breast cancer charity Walk the Walk last night (Tuesday 3rd October).

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Press Release - An empowering morning - Men Get Breast Cancer Too!

03rd October 2017

To raise awareness and encourage men to check themselves regularly, six men who have had breast cancer were brought together in London on Tuesday 3rd October by Walk the Walk. It is believed to be the largest group of men who have had breast cancer, to have gathered in the UK. Some of the men had never met another male breast cancer patient before and shared their incredible stories for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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How to get involved further

There are a number of ways in which you can support Walk the Walk...