PRESS RELEASE - Thousands unite and go ‘Out of this World’ for the Virtual MoonWalk London

Breast cancer charity Walk the Walk is on its way to reaching its £1 million target

Mission Control… MoonWalk accomplished!

Thousands unite and go ‘Out of this World’ for the Virtual MoonWalk London


Thousands of women, men and children accomplished their mission to complete the Virtual MoonWalk London on Saturday 15th May!

For the first time, the iconic MoonWalk, organised by breast cancer charity Walk the Walk, took place during daylight, with walkers taking on challenges between 6 and 52 miles in their own areas.

Embracing an “Out of this World” space theme, they raised awareness and money for vital cancer causes, while walking through villages, towns and cities across the UK and beyond.

At The MoonWalks during normal times, women and men proudly wear decorated bras as they take on their Midnight challenges. For the Virtual MoonWalk, walkers carried on the tradition by decorating their bras and many wore them attached to their bumbags.

To mark the occasion, a special bra has been created by Boadicea Design in collaboration with UK Space Agency, the Association for Science and Discovery Centres and signed by astronaut Tim Peake. It is based on the Sokul Suit which is worn by astronauts going up to the International Space Station.

Tim Peake said:

"There may be more in common between Walk the Walk and space than you might think. On the International Space Station, we have been researching cancer therapies such as microencapsulation - enabling targeted delivery for effective treatment and fewer side effects. Walk the Walk is a fantastic charity and I'm delighted to support them in their valuable work."

Now that restrictions are slowly lifting and people are allowed to walk together in small groups, the Virtual MoonWalk was the first opportunity that many had to meet up and walk with friends.

Sara Mudhar from Nuneaton said:

“The Divas walked The MoonWalk London in 2019 and had an amazing time. Two years later and we’re finally reunited and walking a MoonWalk again, although it’s not quite the same as being with thousands of other MoonWalkers walking through the night. It has been a brilliant day, walking round Rutland Water together, meeting other MoonWalkers and the support from the public has been amazing. How wonderful to do something normal and raising money and awareness for breast cancer at the same time”.

Lin Carey has been taking part in The MoonWalk for more than ten years with the Silsoe Calendar Girls team, walking this year’s event on the streets of Bedfordshire. She said:

“Every year is different, it's always tough but we support each other and, no matter what, we cross the line together. I'm a breast cancer survivor, 22 years now, which I find incredible, and I'm very grateful for my treatment and the funds that made it possible. I was lucky, not everyone is. We've lost friends and family along the way and some are still struggling which is why we keep on walking. We’re relieved to have the opportunity to take part in The MoonWalk again this year – albeit virtually - and turning heads with our decorated bras”!

Jenny Strathern completed her Virtual MoonWalk in Uganda. She said:

“I’m thrilled to finish the Virtual MoonWalk London, a goal I set myself to support a cause close to my heart. Here in Uganda, I really felt as though I was uniting against cancer and united in spirit with everyone else pounding the streets or lanes across the UK and far further afield. After some heavy rain, the sun finally came out as I walked with some wonderfully supportive friends who tramped through the last muddy kilometres towards our goal, an old swimming pool in the north east corner of the sugar estate where we live. My message to Walk the Walk is to continue to do the wonderful work you do and be encouraged by the difference all our combined efforts can make. We are united against breast cancer despite the miles that separate us!”

Gordon McLagan from Livingston, West Lothian said:

“I walked with my sons Christopher and Peter in memory of my sister Linda who we sadly lost to breast cancer in 2017. We were planning to do The MoonWalk London in 2020, but due to it being postponed and the recent relaxation of travel restrictions we were able to meet-up in Manchester. Despite the rain, what an enjoyable marathon we have had, it has been wonderful to spend time with the boys”.

Walk the Walk the Walk’s Ambassador, actress Harriet Thorpe took part in the Virtual MoonWalk London, with friends including TV and Radio presenter Gaby Roslin and actor Tom Read Wilson. She said:

“It was an absolute joy to be out walking through London with friends and family again, cheering on other MoonWalkers along the way with a virtual high-five, and even finding time for a sing-song, all to support the work of this wonderful charity. Who could ask for anything more?! A welcome taste of normality: and let’s hope we’re all back together in our thousands next year!”

Nina Barough CBE, Founder and Chief Executive of Walk the Walk said:

“With so much continuing uncertainty, late last year, Walk the Walk decided to hold a Virtual MoonWalk. We had no idea if it would work, or if it would be successful, we just wanted to promise this special day, without risk of it being cancelled.

So, today is a day for celebration, with women, men and children walking and fundraising all over the country and indeed the world. As we could not actually be with all our amazing MoonWalkers, the Walk the Walk Team spent today phoning as many walkers as possible, to support them, and to share their journey.

We heard the most inspirational and heart-warming stories, MoonWalkers meeting fellow MoonWalkers, giving virtual high-fives and uniting with our very special Walk the Walk camaraderie……it has been truly wonderful!”

The Virtual MoonWalk London is on its way to reaching its £1 million target. The money will be granted to help support frontline cancer charities.

To register your interest for The MoonWalk London 2022, go to


Harriet’s Big Tits team images 1-4 Walk the Walk Ambassador and actress Harriet Thorpe, TV and radio presenter Gaby Roslin, and actor Tom Read Wilson in Regent’s Park, taking part in the Virtual MoonWalk London
Space bra image 1 Sokul Spacesuit replica
Space bra image 2
Space Bra image 3 including Tim Peake signature
Virtual MoonWalk London image 1 Team Divas at Rutland Water
Virtual MoonWalk London image 2 Team Linda’s Livingston Laddies at Old Trafford
Virtual MoonWalk London image 3 Karen Miller and Maxine Kavanagh on the Marriott’s Way in Norwich
Virtual MoonWalk London image 4 Levi Buck and Rebecca Sinclair on the Basingstoke Canal, Woking
Virtual MoonWalk London image 5 Team Kerry’s Queens in Lincolnshire
Virtual MoonWalk London image 6 Jenny Strathern walking in the sugar plantations of Uganda
Virtual MoonWalk London image 7 The Silsoe Calendar Girls including Lin Carey (far right)
Virtual MoonWalk London image 8 The Silsoe Calendar Girls including Lin Carey (second from right)
Virtual MoonWalk London image 9 Team Divas in the bluebells at Rutland Water

For more information contact: 

Notes to Editors:

Walk the Walk 

  • Walk the Walk is a grant-making health charity, specialising in promoting the benefits of Walking as an important part of cancer prevention as well as for overall mental health and physical wellbeing
  • Walk the Walk raises funds by creating and organising a variety of walking and trekking challenges across the world
  • HRH The Prince of Wales is the official Patron of Walk the Walk
  • During the restrictions placed on events due to Covid-19 Walk the Walk has been forced to look at creating alternative and exciting Virtual events in order to keep people walking and healthy, as well as raising vital funds. This includes the first Virtual MoonWalk London
  • The MoonWalk is Walk the Walk’s flagship event, held in London, Scotland and Iceland, with women and men taking on their overnight walking challenges wearing brightly decorated bras to raise awareness.
  • Walk the Walk has raised more than £134 million since it walked its first challenge in 1996
  • The funds raised are granted to charities and organisations across the UK where it can achieve the most good, as well as funding Walk the Walk’s own projects.
  • Evidence now shows that being active and lifestyle choices are important factors in prevention against cancer and other diseases.
  • At this time funds are granted to research into secondary cancers and to also support front line services and the impact that Covid-19 has had on those living with cancer
  • Visit for updates about all Walk the Walk’s virtual fundraising events and to make a donation.