You have done the training, you’re feeling fit…now it’s time to decorate your bra.

We don’t mean wearing your bra over your T-shirt (not a good look and very uncomfortable), we mean wearing your bra in all its splendid glory… and that goes for the men too!

For some, creating a masterpiece is easy, but for others, a little more help is required. Follow our guide and tips on how to make a wonderful creation that’s comfortable to wear and cunningly disguises any bits that you may prefer to keep to yourself. The important thing is to be there with all your fellow walkers raising awareness in true Walk the Walk style and having FUN!

Within minutes of arriving at The MoonWalk, you will feel the spirit, energy and company of thousands of like-minded walkers at this carnival of colours, feathers, fringing and fabulousness… come prepared, and if you feel a little self-conscious, then you always have your T-shirts.